“I know how to do anything – I'm a mom” - Roseanne Barr
That statement best describes my mom.
She does know how to do
She's our MacGyver,
the one who comes up with innovative
ideas in fixing things at our home. If the neighbor's cat is driving
her mad by sneaking into our compound and constantly attacking her
plants and shoes, she comes up with a plan to foil that
darn cat, armed with a metal fence, some flowers and a stapler.
already making plans to decorate the house with a flower arrangement
that will line the patio (I think it was something like that, I
spaced out when the discussion got too technical (I should say too creative) for my brain to
comprehend), for my sister's engagement event, which is like months
away (right??).
She's the one we run to, screaming as if we had the devil at our
back, when we see a centipede and don't know what the heck to do with
it ("just crush it with your bathroom slippers", she says matter of factly, like it's
such a simple thing to do, while we look at her in horror.
In my mind, I can picture her resume looking something like this:
Name : Jacinta Ramayah
Experience :
1. Mother (1979 – present)
2. Retired Senior Assistant/Teacher
Skills :
1. Storyteller. She used to weave exciting stories for us; she still does actually (though nowadays I'm fully glued to my computer and don't really pay much attention)
2. Baker. Even difficult to do doll cakes like this. Yeah, she actually did this cake, on her own, armed with a recipe book, lots of flour and butter and... and.... and.... hmm.. you know... cake stuff.
3. Walking Encyclopedia and Dictionary. Her favorite hobby is reading
the dictionary (looking up words for Scrabble, so she says), so she
knows most of the words in the dictionary. "Walking Dictionary", was the moniker given by
I'm not someone who looks forward to
birthdays. It's just another day for me. It's not like I sit by the
clock, counting down the minutes till midnight then jumping excitedly
while doing the Macarena, proclaiming loudly “It's My
Birthday! It's My Birthday!”.
Heck. I don't even know how to do the
Who am I kidding! Yes! I love
birthdays! Enjoy every moment of it. It does not matter that I'm
getting older, I still love it. It's funny that when I was younger, I
wanted to grow up so badly. Hated people telling me that "I'm TOO YOUNG". Too young to join in my adult cousins'
conversation with my mom (yeah. This still rankles). Too young to
read books by certain authors (My mom had a strict watch on all my reading materials. Only "safe" books were allowed. I guess that's a tale for another blog post?)
Once I hit 18, I was so proud. Felt
like a grown-up. Like I could now do anything I wanted. Now I've hit
the 30s. I can see the 40s on the horizon in just seven years. Then
the 50s. Retirement. Creaking bones. Wrinkles. Ok.. Now I'm just
scaring myself. Saw a gray hair recently and it gave me heart
palpitations. I'm not kidding.
Drove my
colleagues crazy by harping on that gray hair the whole day. What can
I say, I'm no George Clooney who can rock the "gray hair" look. Actually,
I can't rock any look so "gray hair"... Don't even want to think about it..
I guess nothing else can bring your mortality to greater focus than the discovery of your first gray hair.
Anyway, the past few years, I've been over the moon, crazy excited, since I found out that I share the same
birthday with Adam Lambert (Yeah. It takes very little to get me excited). Now I can fantasize having a
joint birthday celebration with him. Would not mind learning the Macarena for
the event but then again might totally scare off Adam with all the
unwanted jiggling. Ok. Now, I'm just making myself miserable.
In my opinion, birthdays are only special, when you have someone to share it with. Imagine sitting at home alone, staring at a single piece of cake, singing "Happy Birthday" to yourself..... Scary thought..
I may be a little neurotic. Slightly crazy. My train of thoughts even scare me sometimes. I'm totally messed up and when it comes to idiosyncrasies and weird quirks, I have them in abundance.
So the thing that makes it a bit easier for me to bear is that my family is awesome and I'm always lucky to meet people, who want to be friends with me. For the life of me, I can't imagine why but they seem to want to remain friends. For that, I know I'm blessed.
So here is my way of thanking both my family and friends. For not only accepting my crazy ways and awful personality but for being caring enough to make my birthday special.
A few friends have asked me what is the reason for celebrating Easter as they are more familiar with the more commercialized aspects of Easter such as the Easter Egg, Easter Bunny and so on. Although, I'm not a full-fledged, baptized Christian, please allow me to offer an explanation.
Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ while Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The whole six weeks leading up to Easter is known as Lent.
Lent lasts for about 6 weeks or 46 days and usually starts in February or March. It begins with
It has been said that home-made, DIY gifts are the best as it comes from the heart. Ok. The cynics among us would probably roll their eyes and say “CORNY”. The word 'cheapskate' will probably be used too.
Of course, knowing the perfect gift to buy someone is a talent that very few have. I suck at this. I usually end up buying something totally inappropriate and unwanted. The stick it in the drawer type of present and not take out unless you want something to kill that pesky cockroach. Which is why, when I want to buy a gift, I usually drag my family along. Or my friends.
I also have extremely bad taste so something
may look good to me but my siblings usually have that “What is wrong with you” look on their face when I suggest it. Something along the line of “I can't believe I'm related to her” kind of thing.
My sister is great at buying gifts. She buys the most wonderful gifts for us. Especially clothes. Most of my apparel choices are based on her advice and are gifts from her. Even my brother has the knack for buying great gifts.
Another great gift to give are home-made gifts. Writing poems, painting a picture, creating a handicraft, those are gifts that would surely be treasured. One of the best gifts we ever got, was this
The title of my blog is Ame's Ramblings so if you came to this blog hoping for some serious intelligent discourse on the world or politics, you will be sorely disappointed. Nothing newsworthy or illuminating will I proffer. No life altering tips or anything to make this world a better place.
In this blog, I can only offer my opinions on anything and everything under the sun. Books. Movies. Films. Songs. Celebrities. Food. Events in my life, that others will probably roll their eyes and look down their noses at for its total insignificance. But then since my life is totally boring, devoid of exciting happenings and I'm certainly not on any change the world missions, I just have to report on the mundane regular happenings in my life. That's the purpose of a blog right? Something that might be totally insignificant to others but means something to me. Yeah.. I keep telling myself that..
So that is what I offer. My ramblings on entertainment, books and my opinion on everything even if my opinion might make some people clutch their heart with shock. Whether the ramblings on entertainment will be entertaining, I'm afraid I can't promise.
Rambling on and on is part of my nature. I just love to talk and talk and talk. When I talk in public however, people can just punch me in my face to shut me up or worse, stop listening and walk away. So in this blog, I can talk without worry of repercussions. There probably still won't be anyone to listen to (or read) my ramblings but then at least I won't have to worry about anyone causing me physical harm just to shut me up.
Image: digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net